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How to contact the Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association

Helping each other with life after HP/HPE.

Menu of HPAA services

Join our forums. If formerly a regular, direct U.S. employee of HP or HPE -- or in the process of leaving. We welcome others who could benefit from our forums and updates: spouses/partners, those receiving company benefits -- dependents, DEC and EDS retirees -- and heirs with HP/HPE-related stock. No charge, thanks to HPAA's Supporting Members. Join at hpalumni.org/join

Members: Change HPAA email address, change to one daily email, or unsubscribe 

Privacy: We do not sell or share your email address. We do not keep personally-identifiable information about members on our website. Privacy

Sponsorship: Based on member feedback, we do not facilitate surveys of our members. We do not participate in "affiliate marketing" to our members. We do not sell advertising on our website or forums.

HPAA's contact directory for former employees of HP, HPE, and related companies:  Contact Directory. Official contact points -- and unofficial advice from HP and HPE alumni members. 

To contact the Alumni Association (which is not part of the company):

For prompt response, please use our email address rather than postal mail. 
info@hpalumni.org  You will hear back from one of our volunteers, typically within three days.

Postal address: (Please mention your email address in your note.)
Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association
PO Box 2504
Cupertino CA 95015-2504

More about the HPAA

(Apr 11, 2023)

Helping each other with life after HP and HPE:  Website Index    Forums

Independent, member-supported volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2024 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms.