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How and why we moderate forum posts.

All HPAA Google Groups and LinkedIn Groups are moderated by HPAA volunteers...

Benefits Forum. [HPAA Benefits]
Topics such as COBRA and retiree health benefits, annual enrollment, and transition to Medicare. Details

Finance Forum. [HPAA Finance]
Employee stock, 401(k), pensions, and other financial issues from an ex-HP/HPE perspective. Details

TechTalk Forum. [HPAA TechTalk]
Members work together on personal technology questions. Details

LinkedIn. "Hewlett-Packard / HPE - Unofficial. Limited to current and former direct employees."
Reconnect with people who know you and your work. Be found by recruiters. Carries only one post per month. Details

Some topics work best on Facebook. Reconnect, celebrate the good times, and appreciate those who have passed. There are many HP-related social groups on Facebook, including: HP, Agilent, Apollo, Avondale, Boise, Colorado, Compaq, Corvallis, Cupertino, DEC, EDS, Keysight, Medical, Response Center, Roseville, Santa Rosa, Southern California, Tandem, UK... Private, independent online forums operated and moderated by people from each community. Leading HP-related Facebook groups: https://www.hpalumni.org/facebook

How we moderate:

- Moderation helps keep discussions on point and in the right group.

- A moderator may send a private note asking questions to clarify the issue such that forum members can better help -- then post themselves instead. Or immediately post additional information and clarifications.

- Moderators can reduce the number of emails on well-worn topics that have been covered many times -- either by sending the submitter a private note referring them to the appropriate page on the www.hpalumni.org website or by summarizing and combining multiple posts on the same topic.

- Sometimes posts are submitted in error. People think they are sending a personal reply instead of broadcasting, or include confidential information, or post while indisposed.

- If the submitted post is a very unique case for that one person, a moderator can help the member escalate their issue to the appropriate company. (How  to escalate to HPInc Corporate, HPE Corporate, and AlightRHS. https://www.hpalumni.org/escalate )

- Based on strong member feedback, the HPAA forums do not carry advertising, self-promotional posts, or company news -- or get into general topics, such as healthcare policy -- that are well-covered in the general media.

- We do not carry requests for job leads, book or course announcements, charitable appeals, or items for sale. Back when the HPAA was much smaller, we did carry those items -- but they did not get results. For those topics, it works best to use your personal email network, personal LinkedIn connections, and Facebook groups. In those venues, people personally know each other and pass things on.

- LinkedIn is not private. What you join, follow, post, comment on, or "like" is potentially available to recruiters, hiring managers, prospective business partners, and your connections -- but also potentially available to rivals, competing companies, scammers, and identity thieves. In addition, LinkedIn has been breached in the past.

- We need to help each other move forward with life after HP -- therefore, we don't carry discussions of current and former management.

Note that the companies do not see the posts. The HPAA groups are not an effective way to influence company practices and policies. Use our list of official contact points.

(Jul 18, 2024)  Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org

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Independent, member-supported volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2024 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms.