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Format to escalate benefits issues to HPInc  (Jan 15, 2023)  Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org

Advice from alumni discussions. Not officially endorsed or supported. Join HPAA at no charge.

Big picture: Go back to "How to escalate benefits issues" -- https://www.hpalumni.org/escalate

If an HPInc benefits issue is still unresolved after escalating at the Benefits Center, HPInc has asked that retirees send emails directly to Corporate Benefits -- following the procedure on this page: https://content.ext.hp.com/sites/CountrySupport/USA_External_HRSupport.page Select the "HR Questions" tab -- the right-hand tab in the row of four tabs.

If you can't see that tab on HP's page, here is what the page displays for "HR Questions" -- as of Jan 15, 2020. (We are not including HP's instructions for other types of question -- Payroll, Global Total Rewards, and "Tokens of Appreciation.")

If you have HR related questions or an address change issue, please send an email to myHR. HPI-HR-connect-us@hp.com

Don’t forget to include your employee ID and main personal information to help us quickly resolve your query.

Please include the following information:

Subject: HR Questions

- First Name
- Last Name
- Employee ID/Number
- Telephone (callback number)
- Personal E-mail Address
- Status (inactive/terminated/retired)
- Detailed summary of your query

HPAA member advice:

- List the events in chronological order.

- Include the date and approximate time when you last talked to the Benefits Center on this issue, with the person's name if possible.

- To ensure that the case is clearly understood, leave out any extraneous material 

- Do not include attachments. (Due to the flood of phishing attacks, email systems at companies tend to block -- or severely delay -- emails that originate outside the company and contain attachments.)

Send your email directly to HPInc Corporate Benefits at HPI-HR-connect-us@hp.com 

Thank you. This will help other folks!

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