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Obituary, memorial service, or hospice announcements

Pinemat Manzanita, Placer County, California. Photo by Bill Hewlett

Pinemat Manzanita, Placer County. Photo by William R. Hewlett. © California Academy of Science. More of Bill's wildflower photos

The HPAA stopped carrying such announcements. We have found that it is much more effective to use the HP-related groups on Facebook. Group members then pass along the announcements via their personal email networks and Facebook contacts.

There are many HP-related social groups on Facebook, including: HP, Agilent, Apollo, Avondale, Boise, Compaq, Corvallis, Cupertino, DEC, EDS, Greeley, Japan, Keysight, Medical, Midwest Sales, Norway, Response Center, Roseville, Santa Rosa, Southern California, Tandem, UK...  Operated and moderated by people from each community. Leading HP-related Facebook groups -- which you can join without disclosing personal info: https://www.hpalumni.org/facebook

If you don't have a Facebook account, go to facebook.com. Enter name, either email address or mobile number, and password. Birthdate need not be correct, just over 13. No need to supply any of the other information requested. Then go to https://www.facebook.com/settings/?tab=privacy and adjust each privacy setting.

In the announcement, be sure to mention something about the person's HP-related work history -- such as sites, divisions, offices, clients, or positions -- so that their former co-workers will recognize them. Include contact information for people to take action -- such as an email address for a spouse/partner/child or a URL for a published obituary.

Next-of-kin should report the death directly to the person's former employers -- to ensure that any benefits, pension, stock, or other issues are resolved. Member advice: Reporting death or disability of a former employee

(Updated Feb 4, 2025)   Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org

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