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[HPAlumni-News] Pension - Medicare - Local Clubs - Lawsuit - more.       

Annual Enrollment. Medicare. HP/HPE corrections can be made through Dec 17. Currently being discussed on the HPAA Benefits Forum. hpalumni.org/goBenefits

Pension change. If you have been receiving monthly U.S. HP, DEC, or EDS pension payments that commenced on or before November 1, 2020 -- your pension plan *may* have been converted from a company pension administered by Fidelity to an insured annuity provided by Prudential. Details: hpalumni.org/pension2021

Local Social Clubs. (Independent  of the HPAA.) Holiday events being scheduled. Restarting in-person activities such as lunches, volunteer projects, golf, walking... 
- Bay Area hpretirees.org/myhprec 
- Houston hprchou.com 
- Oregon hpretirees.org/wporegon  
- Massachusetts hprem.club  
- Southern California clubhpsocal.org

Received a "Potential Private Retirement Benefit" letter from Social Security?Reports the last transaction in a benefit plan that you were once enrolled in. How to investigate and who to contact: Potential Benefit letter

Age discrimination lawsuit. If you were WFRed by HP or HPE at 40 years of age or older between Dec 9, 2014 and Feb 15, 2022 -- and did *not* sign the Waiver in order to receive severance or retirement benefits -- you may be eligible to join a lawsuit. (Apr 8, 2015 for AL, AR, GA, IN, MS, NC, SD.) Official notice: forsythhplitigation.com [Employment suits move very slowly -- the class action concerning EDS/HP overtime was settled after nine years, 79 depositions, and 1.5 million pages of documents -- paying an average of $950 each.]

Timeless business lessons from HP history. "As is typical on an R&D project in the development phase, one engineer or another would come forward about once a week with an idea for a new feature that we could include in the final product. Usually I would appreciate their idea but suggest that we put it on the shelf until the "B" model entered development. By then we would have some market feedback that would help us decide which new features would best address unmet customer needs."
--Marv Patterson, while leading HP's innovative drafting plotter project. It sold for half the price of competing products.
More at hpalumni.org/BusinessLessons

HPAA members: To change address or unsubscribe, please go to: hpalumni.org/subs  If you have fallen off the HPAA lists, just send a new application to join with your current email address. hpalumni.org/join

Helping each other with life after HP/HPE. Updates and Q-and-A forums on topics such as COBRA and retiree health coverage, transition to Medicare, employee stock, 401(k), and pensions. TechTalk. Operated by volunteers. Not officially endorsed or supported.

Join. If formerly a regular, direct U.S. employee of HP or HPE -- or are in the process of leaving. Membership is also open to heirs with HP-related stock and to those receiving company benefits -- spouses, partners, dependents, DEC and EDS retirees. No charge to join, thanks to HPAA's Supporting Members. hpalumni.org/join  



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Independent, member-supported volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2024 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms.