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not needed? 3/19/22

Join us. No charge. (For non-US members.)

Helping each other with life after HP and HPE. Operated by former U.S. HP and HPE employees -- and those in the process of leaving. Not officially endorsed or supported.

The HPAA is U.S.-centric. Alumni from outside the U.S. are welcome to join -- but generally find that the HPAA emails and online forums are not useful to them. HPAA membership is not required to join our worldwide LinkedIn group or to use this website, which includes: employee stock decoder, practical advice on using LinkedIn, and the "ASAP Checklist" for people leaving.

TechTalk Forum. [HPAA TechTalk] Members work together on personal technology questions.  Join the HPAA TechTalk Forum

If leaving or recently left, use our ASAP Checklist. Pragmatic advice from HP/HPE alumni on what to do before losing access to company systems -- and in the following few weeks. Supplements the official HP/HPE checklists. While most of the details are U.S.-specific, the same fundamental issues apply everywhere.

Website: Much of the information developed from the discussions is summarized and incorporated into our website, which is regularly updated. Use the site map to explore: hpalumni.org/map

Update and strengthen your LinkedIn profile. Even if not currently looking, you need a strong, credible profile on LinkedIn. People check you out before working with you. Recruiters run searches for particular skills and background. In addition, LinkedIn helps you reconnect with people who know you and your work.

Check your LinkedIn profile. (Click your photo and select "View Profile.") LinkedIn has been standardizing company names, with odd results. Recruiters view illogical entries -- such as HPE positions before 2015 -- as fake. (HPE changed many decades-old HP positions to display the HPE name and logo.) Watch for typos. You may wish to emphasize (or de-emphasize) some of your experience and background.

Tricks and traps: hpalumni.org/LinkedIn

Job posts on LinkedIn. To see job openings shared by other HP alumni -- and post opportunities at your current employer: Join the "HP Connections" group on LinkedIn (Operated by HPAA, but HPAA membership not required.) 

Stock. Depending on when and how you acquired HP or HPE stock, you may now have stock in up to six five completely separate HP-related companies in various accounts -- or have missed cash payouts. How many shares of which companies should I have? How much cash should I have received? hpalumni.org/stock



Non-U.S. Alumni.  The HPAA is U.S.-centric. Alumni from outside the U.S. are welcome to join -- but generally find that the HPAA emails and online forums are not useful to them. HPAA membership is not required to join our worldwide LinkedIn group or to use this website. Menu for Non-U.S. Alumni

HPAA members: To change your address, change your email preferences, or unsubscribe, please go to: hpalumni.org/subs  

If you have fallen off the HP Alumni email lists, just send a new application. (Some didn't receive the multiple announcements when we had to move.) hpalumni.org/join

How to join -- or rejoin -- the HP Alumni Association.

(If you are on your hp.com or hpe.com email account, forward a link to this page to your personal email account and apply from there.)

Send an email -- as described below -- from the personal email account that you will use for your membership. Please select a single email address to use for all dealings with HPAA. (We use your email address, not your name, to identify you.)

- We do not accept applications from an @hp.com or @hpe.com email address -- you will lose that address when you leave the company. (If you don't already have a personal email account, you can get a free internet email account in a few minutes. How to set up a personal email account.)

- We've found that company, professional association, and university alumni email addresses do not work well for HPAA. The topics we discuss can look suspicious to an organization's firewall -- and therefore may be automatically discarded before reaching you. 

- An email account that sends challenge replies to incoming emails does not work for HPAA.

- Our website contains no personal info on members.

You need to send your request from the email account that you wish to use for your membership. This ensures that the email address currently works. (If changing your address, be sure to send the email from your new account.)

Please send the questionnaire below in an email to hpalumniassn.membership@gmail.com  (Do not send the questionnaire as an attachment.)

Put "apply" then your name in the subject line of your message.

Subject:   apply John Example

Copy-and-paste the questionnaire in yellow into the body of the email. Fill in the answers and send. We read your answers to qualify applications and better understand our membership. We use your email address, not your name, to identify you in our system. We do not sell or share your email address. Privacy


 F1. Your name: __
2. Year you started at HP or HPE: __

3. Last year at HP or HPE, date you were accepted for EER, or defined future date: __

4. If you joined HP or HPE via merger, acquisition, or outsourcing, enter name of acquired company: __ 
5. Last job title: __

6. Last site/office and country: __

7. Last company -- and division or business unit: __

8. If you are joining as an heir, spouse, partner, or dependent, please explain: __

9. Please tell us how you heard about the HPAA: __    



Please send the questionnaire in an email to hpalumniassn.membership@gmail.com  (Do not send the questionnaire as an attachment.)

By applying, you agree to accept the HPAA Terms of Use and the HPAA Membership and Posting Agreement.

What happens next?

Our volunteer team will process your request – typically within three days -- and send you an email.

If questions, please email: info@hpalumni.org 

(Updated Jan 14, 2023.)

If formerly a regular, direct U.S. employee of HP or HPE -- or are in the process of leaving -- join the HP Alumni Association. No charge, thanks to HPAA's Supporting Members.

Operated by volunteers. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2023 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms.