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Affordable Care Act, Medicaid, and Covered California links and deadlines.

From former employees of HP and HPE.   

Join the HPAA's Benefits Forum Covers topics such as COBRA and retiree health benefits, annual enrollment, and transition to Medicare.

(Nov 8, 2022) Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org

If you move to a public health insurance exchange, you don't lose eligibility to return to HP/HPE coverage. There are other circumstances where you can lose it...

If you decline HP/HPE medical coverage: Depending on your situation, you can lose the ability to re-enroll in HP/HPE coverage -- and your surviving dependents will not be eligible for HP/HPE coverage. Details:  https://www.hpalumni.org/reenroll-restrictions

Technically, you have 31 days to change if you lose coverage from an employer or other plan -- or have a status change such as marriage, divorce, or transition to Medicare. This is not unique to HPInc/HPE. A fundamental principle of health insurance is that everyone continuously pays into the overall health insurance system pool when they are healthy. (For example, if you don't sign up for each of the various Medicare elements when first eligible, you pay a late enrollment penalty for years.) 

If you have such a change, contact your Benefits Center ASAP -- or contact the insurance sales agency that you bought the plan from, such as Alight Retiree Health Solutions Alight Retiree Health Solutions contacts

"When can I join, switch, or drop a plan? You can join, switch, or drop a Medicare Health Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan (Part C) with or without drug coverage during these times:
- Initial Enrollment Period. When you first become eligible for Medicare, you can join a plan.
- Open Enrollment Period. From October 15 – December 7 each year, you can join, switch, or drop a plan. Your coverage will begin on January 1 (as long as the plan gets your request by December 7).
- Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period. From January 1 – March 31 each year, if you’re enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, you can switch to a different Medicare Advantage Plan or switch to Original Medicare (and join a separate Medicare drug plan) once during this time. Note: You can only switch plans once during this period."

Affordable Care Act 
"Open Enrollment for 2023 runs November 1, 2022–January 15, 2023.
"You can get health coverage for the rest of 2022 if you qualify for:
- A Special Enrollment Period due to a recent life event, like losing other coverage, moving, getting married, or having a baby.
- Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or a new Special Enrollment Period based on estimated household income."

Covered California (California's Medicaid program)
"Medi-Cal and Covered California use the same application. After you enter your information, you will find out whether you qualify for Medi-Cal or Covered California."
"For most qualifying life events, your coverage will start on the first day of the following month after you select a plan."

All States -- Medicaid
"The State Overviews provide resources that highlight the key characteristics of states’ Medicaid and CHIP [Children's Health Insurance] programs..."

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