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HPInc and HPE Benefits Centers. AlightRHS Call Center

Join the HPAA Benefits Forum Covers topics such as COBRA and retiree health benefits, annual enrollment, and transition to Medicare.

Which HP-related companies have me classified as a retiree or former employee? Due to acquisitions and spinoffs, this may not be obvious. Check here: Which Company

HPInc Benefits Center. Operated by Alight Benefits Administration -- a separate company from Alight Retiree Health Solutions.

https://www.myhpbenefits.com  [This link will always work. The link you ultimately land on changes -- therefore don't bookmark it. Confusing -- because the photo is randomly selected each time you visit.]
1-800-890-3100 -- 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Central Time, Monday - Friday
1-847-883-0465 -- Outside the United States, Puerto Rico, or Canada 
Ask for a "Retirement Specialist." With any phone center, if the first-level agent can't resolve your issue, ask them to "escalate" your call.

Outside the U.S. -- HPInc worldwide contact directory: https://content.ext.hp.com/sites/CountrySupport/CountrySelector.page 

Member advice on how to get the best results from the HP Benefits Center: hpalumni.org/contacts-HPI-medical

HPE (Hewlett Packard Enterprise) Benefits Center. Operated by Bswift/Aetna since April 2019.

https://www.myhperewards.com  [This link will always work. The link you ultimately land on changes -- therefore don't bookmark it. Confusing -- because the photo is randomly selected each time you visit.]
1-844-537-5304 -- 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Central time, Monday - Friday
1-312-843-5219 -- Outside the United States, Puerto Rico, or Canada
Ask for a "Retirement Specialist." With any phone center, if the first-level agent can't resolve your issue, ask them to "escalate" your call.

Outside the U.S. -- HPE worldwide contact directory: https://hpe-es.my.salesforce-sites.com/ExtEmployee/HPE_External_Employee

(Some HPE retirees -- depending on age, years of service, and other factors -- may qualify for the "Pre-2003 HP Retiree Medical Program"  ("2003" refers to the year when HP implemented the program, not necessarily your year of retirement.) Legally retirees of HPE. However, HPE has paid HP to administer health benefits for those HPE retirees. How to tell if you are qualified for Pre-2003: hpalumni.org/Pre2003)

Member advice on how to get the best results from the HPE Benefits Center: hpalumni.org/contacts-HPE-medical

Phone centers for HP or HPE Medicare plans purchased through Alight Retiree Health Solutions (AlightRHS):

Alight Retiree Health Solutions for HPInc
1-800-975-0355 -- 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday 

Alight Retiree Health Solutions for HPE -- Hewlett Packard Enterprise
1-844-537-5303 -- 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Central Time, Monday through Friday

Member advice on how to get the best results from the Alight Retiree Health Solutions call center: hpalumni.org/contacts-ARHS

Advice and reference info from members. (Jul 17, 2024)

Website operated by volunteers. Not officially endorsed or supported. Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org

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Independent, member-supported volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2024 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms.