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Which HP-related companies have me classified as a retiree or former employee?

Due to acquisitions and spinoffs, this may not be obvious.

Advice from HP/HPE alumni discussions. Not officially endorsed or supported. Join HPAA at no charge. (Feb 13, 2024. Minor revision Sep 27, 2024)

Stock. Due to the breakup of HP, you may now have shares in HPInc, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Agilent, Keysight, and DXC – held in multiple accounts – and may not have received cash payouts for Micro Focus or Perspecta. Your current cost basis depends on when you acquired stock as companies were spun out.

HPAA members have developed a step-by-step process to find all your HP/HPE-related stock – and estimate employee-purchase cost basis: Stock

Unofficial Retiree Decoder: Which company (or companies) am I a retiree or former employee of?

HP Breakup. On Nov 1, 2015, the legal name of the Hewlett-Packard Company was changed to HP Inc. and a new, completely separate company – Hewlett Packard Enterprise (green-rectangle logo; no hyphen) – was spun out. Portions of HPE were later spun out into DXC and Micro Focus. Details: HP Breakup 

Our HP Spinoff Timeline shows each event as HP spawned Agilent, Philips Healthcare, Lumileds, Keysight, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, HPInc, DXC Technology, Micro Focus, and others. Each is a completely separate company. HP Spinoff Timeline

HP Inc. In general, responsibility for original commitments to former U.S. employees of Compaq, DEC, EDS, etc. remain with HP Inc. – regardless of whether their last business unit ended up in HP or HPE. (Canada and UK: HPE. Other countries vary.  Country-by-country details)

- US: Pension and 401(k) accounts. Fidelity is the primary administrator. 1-800-457-4015 (If no password, keep hitting #.) (Outside US 1-508-787-9902 collect.) https://nb.Fidelity.com (Members advise that local Fidelity offices are focused on sales.)

- US: Health and other benefits. HP Benefits Center. Operated by Alight Benefits Administration. 1-800-890-3100 (Outside US/PR/Canada 1-847-883-0465.)  https://www.myhpbenefits.com  (Ask for a Retirement Specialist.)

- Worldwide, including US:  https://content.ext.hp.com/sites/CountrySupport/CountrySelector.page If difficulty: HP Inc Admin Headquarters, 10300 Energy Drive, Spring, TX 77389. 1-650-857-1501. (At a Post Office window, you can specify Certified Mail combined with Return Receipt.)

Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Includes companies that HPE acquired (Cray, Juniper, Nimble, etc.) plus all HP and HP-acquired employees in Canada and UK.

- US: Pension and 401(k) accounts. Fidelity is the primary administrator. 1-800-409-4015 (If no password, keep hitting #.)  (Outside US 1-508-787-9902 collect.) https://nb.Fidelity.com (Members advise that local Fidelity offices are focused on sales.)

- US: Health and other benefits. HPE Benefits Center, operated by Bswift/Aetna. 1-844-537-5304 (Outside US/PR/Canada 1-312-843-5219) https://www.myhperewards.com (Ask for a "Retirement Specialist.")

- Worldwide, including US:  https://hpe-es.my.salesforce-sites.com/ExtEmployee/HPE_External_Employee If difficulty: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, 1701 E Mossy Oaks Rd, Spring, TX 77389. 1-678-259-9860. (At a Post Office window, you can specify Certified Mail combined with Return Receipt.)

Info for those who worked at:  Agilent    Autonomy    Compaq    DEC    DXC    EDS    HP    HPE    Keysight    Micro Focus    Perspecta    Tandem    Other acquisitions and spinoffs 

Make sure that the legal successor to every company you ever worked for has your current postal address. Even if not classified by the company as a "Retiree" or if long gone – in case of pension plan changes, employment lawsuits, settlements, or other issues. Update address at former company

Key principle: Depends on which company's payroll you were on at the time you left –  regardless of where your last business unit ended up in the HP Breakup. If a business unit was moved to DXC or Micro Focus, it is treated as though you left HPE to join another company.


- Service at predecessor companies. Of the many predecessor companies, only HP, DEC, and EDS ever had U.S. pension plans. Only HP and DEC ever had U.S. retiree healthcare plans. Over the years, the companies set aside money in a dedicated trust fund for each plan. The benefits originally promised assumed continued high profit levels. Each plan was eventually closed to new participants.

Employees of other acquisitions did not have those expectations and there were no plans -- with associated trust funds -- to pass on to an acquiring company.

As employees were added to the retirement plans in effect at the time of acquisition, they did not get credit for service at the predecessor. However, they generally did get service credit for other benefits, such as vacation/FTO.   DEC Benefits  EDS Benefits

- Enterprise. HP used the word "Enterprise" at various times in the internal names of business segments -- however the people were employees of Hewlett-Packard Company. On Nov 1, 2015, the legal name of the Hewlett-Packard Company was changed to HP Inc. and a new, completely separate company – Hewlett Packard Enterprise (green-rectangle logo; no hyphen) – was spun out.

- Labs. HP Labs is part of HP Inc; Hewlett Packard Labs is part of Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

- Classification as "retired."  If an employee left at 55 or older with at least 10 years of service, or left after 2010 with age-plus-years-of-service of at least 80, or left under an early retirement program -- HP and HPE generally classify the employee as "retired" –  regardless of how they left and whether or not they have any retiree benefits. (HPE also mentions "...or age 55 or older with at least 70 age-plus-service 'points' for equity grants.") This is reported to outside payroll and employment verification services, but doesn't seem to have any negative consequences. Inquiries from state Unemployment Dept. claims examiners go to a specific group in HR, which replies via letter. Over the years, members have reported that HP did not block their UI claims. 

- Non-U.S. How to contact HR for a specific country: Worldwide HP and HPE Country Contacts


1. Left the Hewlett-Packard Company before the May 2, 2000 Agilent spinoff and had worked in the HP businesses that became Agilent -- instrument, medical, analytical, component, etc. -- classified as a former employee or retiree of Agilent and sent a notice at that time.  Agilent page  
If worked in the HP or Agilent instrument business, reclassified in the 2014 Keysight spinoff as a former employee or retiree of Keysight and sent a notice at that time.  Keysight page

2. Left the Hewlett-Packard Company before the Nov 1, 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise spinoff: Classified as a former employee or retiree of HP Inc. –  regardless of where their last business unit ended up in the HP Breakup. HP contact page  Depending on age, years of service, and other factors, you may qualify for the "Pre-2003 HP Retiree Medical Program" -- as opposed to the current "HP Retiree Medical Program." ("2003" refers to the year when HP implemented the program, not necessarily your year of retirement.) Details:Pre-2003.

3. Left HP Inc. after the Nov 1, 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise spinoff: Classified as a former employee or retiree of HP Inc. HP contact page  Depending on age, years of service, and other factors, you may qualify for the "Pre-2003 HP Retiree Medical Program"  ("2003" refers to the year when HP implemented the program, not necessarily your year of retirement.) Details:Pre-2003.

4. Left Hewlett Packard Enterprise after the Nov 1, 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise spinoff: Classified as a former employee or retiree of HPE. HPE contact page
Exception: Some HPE retirees are covered by an HP retiree medical program. Depending on age, years of service, and other factors, you may qualify for the HP "Pre-2003 HP Retiree Medical Program" -- instead of an HPE program. ("2003" refers to the year when HP implemented the program, not necessarily your year of retirement.) Legally retirees of HPE. However, HPE has paid HPInc to administer health benefits for those HPE retirees. (All other responsibilities for HPE retirees are handled by HPE.) How to tell if you are qualified for Pre-2003: https://www.hpalumni.org/Pre2003

5. Transitioned to DXC or Micro Focus: Classified as a former employee or retiree of Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Treated as though left HPE to join any other company. Entitled to whatever retiree coverage qualified for at the time left HPE -- See item 4 above. HPE contact page    DXC contact page    Micro Focus UK and U.S. Headquarters (scroll down)

6. Left EDS before the Aug 26, 2008 HP acquisition: Classified as a former employee or retiree of HP Inc. HP contact page (Note: If employed by EDS or "EDS, an HP Company" before January 1, 2009 may have an EDS pension EDS page )

7. Retired from DEC: Classified as a former employee or retiree of HP Inc. HP contact page  Also see DEC page

8. Acquired by Hewlett Packard Enterprise: (Cray, Juniper, Nimble, etc.) Classified as a former employee or retiree of Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

The key document for a US employee retirement or health plan is the legal Summary Plan Description (SPD). It includes plan details and an address at the employer for appeals. The current SPD takes precedence over any other written, online, or verbal information you may have been given -- but is still subject to change. The employer's plan administrator is required by law to provide the SPD upon request. How to obtain and decode: https://www.hpalumni.org/SPD-decode

Death or disability of a former employee. Stock, pension, dependent health coverage, and other issues: Member advice

Join the HPAA's Benefits Forum. Updates and online forum covering topics such as COBRA and retiree health benefits, annual enrollment, and transition to Medicare.

Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org

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