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Member advice: Verify employment and experience at an HP-related company -- via Letter. The HP Alumni Association is not operated by Hewlett-Packard or Hewlett Packard Enterprise, has no access to employment information, and is not able to forward verification requests. Advice from HP Alumni Association members for those from Hewlett-Packard, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and related companies. Start at hpalumni.org/verif before using this page. Note: Verification of employment via the US Equifax third-party employment verification service may be sufficient. See member advice: hpalumni.org/verif-equifax Member advice about experience letters. With HP or HPE, members report that the company emails you a pdf file of a letter documenting your dates of employment, last job title, and -- if requested -- salary. For an exempt employee, the letter gives an annual salary figure (including any target incentive for a salesperson); for non-exempt it gives the hourly rate. HP says: "Standard policy is to provide potential employers with information limited to start date, end date and job title on day of termination. This policy applies equally to employees impacted by workforce reduction." HPAA members indicate that final salary will be provided at your option and that the company may indicate that you are "Retired" if the company has classified you as a "Retiree" -- regardless of what actually happened. If you worked at a company that was sold to HP, be sure to refer to the company name in your request. Sample Experience Letter Helpful discussion of Experience Letters on StackExchange: Sample letters that got accepted and rejected Info for those who worked at: Agilent Autonomy Compaq DEC DXC EDS HP HPE Keysight Micro Focus Perspecta Poly Tandem Other acquisitions and spinoffs (Feb 27, 2022) Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org |
Helping each other with life after HP and HPE. Website Map Forums Independent, member-supported volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2025 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms. |