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For EDS Alumni (Electronic Data Systems Corporation)  (Jan 17, 2024. Minor revision Apr 30, 2024.)

Website operated by volunteers. Not officially endorsed or supported. Question? Email: info@hpalumni.org

Information from EDS alumni for EDS alumni -- whether or not you ever worked for HP...

Legal successors and company names. 

Founder Ross Perot retained 50% of the stock when EDS went public. GM contracts were 31% of revenue when he sold the company to GM in 1984. GM spun out EDS in 1996.

EDS sale to Hewlett-Packard. Due to declining growth and profits, EDS stock was down to $19 -- from $72 in 2001. EDS management and board negotiated the sale for $14 billion -- $25/share, a 32% premium. Completed Aug 26, 2008. EDS was temporarily structured as a subsidiary, "EDS, an HP Company." On Sep 23, 2009, it was renamed "HP Enterprise Services."

HP Breakup. On Nov 1, 2015, the legal name of the Hewlett-Packard Company was changed to HP Inc. and a new, completely separate company – Hewlett Packard Enterprise (green-rectangle logo; no hyphen) – was spun out. Portions of HPE were later spun out into DXC and Micro Focus, which have spun out other companies. Details: HP Breakup

HP Inc. is the overall legal successor to companies acquired by Hewlett-Packard before the company was split into HP Inc and Hewlett Packard Enterprise on Nov 1, 2015. In general, responsibility for original commitments to former U.S. employees of Compaq, DEC, EDS, etc. remain with HP Inc. – regardless of whether their last business unit ended up in HP or HPE. (Canada and UK: HPE. Other countries vary.
Country-by-country details)

Contacts at HP Inc -- the successor company: HP contacts 

Financial issues.

Received a "Potential Private Retirement Benefit" letter from Social Security? How to decode the letter and who to contact, if necessary: Potential Benefit letter (If the Plan Name is "EDS Payroll Stock Ownership Plan" instead go to EDS Stock, which describes how EDS stock was retired.)

EDS pension. If you were employed in the U.S. by EDS or "EDS, an HP Company" before Jan 1, 2009 -- you may have an EDS pension, administered by HP: https://www.hpalumni.org/edsPension

US Pension change. If you have been receiving monthly U.S. HP, DEC, or EDS pension payments that commenced on or before November 1, 2020 -- your pension is probably among the 41,000 converted in September 2021 from a company pension administered by Fidelity to an insured annuity provided by Prudential, now Empower. Details: https://www.hpalumni.org/pension2021

UK Pension -- HP, DEC, EDS. HP Limited Retirement Benefits Plan, administered by Equiniti. https://hprbp.com  Second Equiniti site: https://edspensions.co.uk

Other countries:  https://content.ext.hp.com/sites/CountrySupport/CountrySelector.page If difficulty: HP Inc Admin Headquarters, 10300 Energy Drive, Spring, TX 77389. 1-650-857-1501. (At a Post Office window, you can specify Certified Mail combined with Return Receipt.)

Stock. Due to the breakup of HP, you may now have shares in HPInc, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Agilent, Keysight, and DXC – held in multiple accounts – and may not have received cash payouts for Micro Focus or Perspecta. Your current cost basis depends on when you acquired stock as companies were spun out.

HPAA members have developed a step-by-step process to find all your HP/HPE-related stock – and estimate cost basis: Stock

Stock issues specifically for former EDS employees. https://www.hpalumni.org/StockEDS

Which HP-related companies have me classified as a retiree or former employee? Due to acquisitions and spinoffs, this may not be obvious. Check here: Which Company

Make sure that the legal successor to every company you ever worked for has your current postal address. Even if not classified by the company as a "Retiree" or if long gone -- in case of pension plan changes, employment lawsuits, settlements, or other issues. Update address at former company

Current status of major HP and HPE Employment Lawsuits

Benefits issues for EDS alumni -- including 401(k), HP and HPE retiree benefits, vehicle discounts. https://www.hpalumni.org/edsBenefits 

Death or disability of a former employee. Stock, pension, dependent health coverage, and other issues: Member advice


Employment verification and experience letters for Hewlett-Packard, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, and related companies. Employment and Experience Verification

Career and employment issues for EDS alumni. Openings posted by recruiters searching for EDS background. Employment verification. Leaving HP. Untangling and strengthening your LinkedIn profile. Networking with other EDS alumni. https://www.hpalumni.org/edsCareer

Check your LinkedIn profile. Even if not currently looking for a job, you need a strong, credible LinkedIn profile. Reconnect with people who know you and your work. Be found by hiring managers, recruiters, and recruiting bots. You can promote your specialized expertise. Your profile may have been automatically changed. Member advice: hpalumni.org/LinkedIn

Professional and social networking.

Reconnect, celebrate the good times, and appreciate those who have passed. There are many HP-related social groups on Facebook, including: HP and EDS. Private, independent online forums operated and moderated by people from each community. Leading HP-related Facebook groups: https://www.hpalumni.org/facebook

EDS history and culture. Classic EDS ads. "The lost legacy of EDS." Books about EDS. Sale to HP. Corporate names. Perot. https://www.hpalumni.org/edsHistoryCulture

Operated by volunteers. Not officially endorsed or supported. More about the HPAA

Helping each other with life after HP and HPE:  Website Index    Forums

Independent, member-supported volunteer association. Not officially endorsed or supported. © 2024 Hewlett-Packard Alumni Association, Inc. By using this site you accept these terms.